Sustainable Energy and Environment
Many infrastructure and industrial facilities operate as complex adaptive systems where industrial, social, and sustainability considerations are closely linked. And sustainability should not be limited to environmental aspects only. Resilient communities take systemic approach.
Adaptive systems consist of independent but interconnected elements that interact and transform in response to its environment. The results are difficult or impossible to foresee by simply looking at the individual interactions. An understanding of the individual parts does not automatically mean an understanding of the whole system’s functioning.
For example, seaports and airports operate as complex adaptive systems. They are becoming more dependent on electricity to operate due to various economic, technological, environmental and regulatory factors progressively and cumulatively affecting the transportation and goods movement networks. Developing an energy resiliency strategy at these facilities is a highly complex endeavor that involves a multitude of stakeholders. The results will be impacted by internal and external factors.
Among various external factors we may find electric vehicles, automation, artificial intelligence, changing patterns, see level rise, or increasing use of drones. All these factors will impact businesses worldwide.
Can we manipulate and shape our current environment to avoid being exposed to forces beyond our control?
According to experts in international business and strategy, shaping strategies can fail and even the best strategy shapers must be prepared to adapt and supplement their bets with alternatives that allow them to adjust quickly. Under uncertainty, it may be risky to ignore continuous monitoring of a game plan and perform year-end strategy reviews only.
We work with our clients to help them appreciate the big picture and take a systemic approach to building reliable and resilient infrastructure.